We provide coaching that generates better players!

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We Listen

We listen to your story and ask essential questions to find out    what the exact goal is for you

We Think Along

We can assist you in finding the right online program that suits  your needs.

We Find a Solution

Great! Let’s work together to find a solution that meets your goals and time you can spend on it

Start2pool offers a tailored solution


For beginners eager to learn, competitive tournament players striving for success, or seasoned professionals looking to refine their skills,

Through a comprehensive WYLT module (what’s your level test) we evaluate your abilities, analyze your strengths and weaknesses, and provide personalized guidance to help you progress.

With a wealth video resources at your disposal, we work together to practice and refine your game, guiding you through each step of the journey towards improvement.

Consider Start2pool as your dedicated “Personal Pool Instructor,” always available to support you on your path to mastering the art of pool billiards.

Be honest, what is holding you back from using maximum potential?

Performance Plateau problem....

Despite consistent practice and dedication, players may find themselves unable to improve beyond a certain skill level.

This can be frustrating and demotivating, leading to a lack of progress and enjoyment in the hobby.

Start2pool coaching is there for you !

Lack of Consistency problem....

Inconsistent practice routines, playing schedules, or commitment to improvement can hinder the development of skills in pool billiards.

Without a structured approach to training and a dedicated mindset, players may struggle to make meaningful progress and see tangible results.

This lack of consistency can lead to frustration and a sense of stagnation in the hobby.

Start2pool coaching is there for you !

Technological Advancements problem....

The introduction of advanced cue technologies and equipment in the sport of pool billiards can pose a challenge for hobbyists.

Players who do not have access to or cannot afford the latest equipment may feel disadvantaged compared to those who do.

This disparity in technology can impact performance and hinder the overall experience of playing the game.

Start2pool coaching is there for you !

Mental Blocks problem....

Mental barriers such as self-doubt, anxiety, or lack of focus can impede progress and enjoyment in the hobby of pool billiards.

Players may struggle with confidence issues, concentration lapses, or emotional challenges that affect their performance on the table.

Overcoming these mental obstacles can be a daunting task and may deter individuals from fully engaging in the hobby.

Start2pool coaching is there for you !

External Factors problem...

External factors such as time constraints, financial limitations, or personal responsibilities can also impact the success of a pool billiards hobby.

Balancing work, family, and other commitments with the demands of practicing and playing the game can be challenging.

These external pressures may limit the amount of time and energy that individuals can dedicate to their hobby, affecting their overall satisfaction and fulfillment in pursuing pool billiards as a pastime.

Start2pool coaching is there for you !

STOP investing time and money on the wrong approach and wrong exercises.. take online coaching and don't miss every chance of victory!

You don’t have to stand at the table 24 hours a day…

with targeted exercises, one or two hours is sufficient…

❌ STOP ❌ srolling the drill sites !

We offer tailor-made coaching

Are you convinced that our coaching is something for you?

With our partner Poolbilliards.co

we present the exercises on a digital practice platform

from subscription ‘standard’ included !

Example of exercise

This gives you information about what the table layout that you are assigned looks like. Set up the balls as displayed


Results & Graph

Results of the completed exercises appear in the graph and you will have a clear picture of your training

Results & average

Achieving exceptional results often requires a combination of talent, hard work, and dedication. Set a goal!